About Personal Development
What is Personal Development?
Personal development is woven into the fabric of all we do at Fullwood. We understand the importance of creating and adding to a ‘box of tools’ as children grow to enable them to have strategies to hand when dealing with life’s obstacles – whatever they may be!
Our curriculum intent statement alongside our mission statement ‘Enabling every child to achieve their best … becoming confident, happy and healthy pupils who are lifelong learners’ exemplifies our attitude and approach to the importance of the development of all aspects of Personal Development.
We firmly believe in a holistic education, experience and curriculum that ensures that our pupils are well-rounded pupils. We recognise that the development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part not only in their ability to learn and achieve their best but also in their ability to relate fully to and have the ability to access the world they live in.
We therefore aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop their own values, whilst recognising that those of others may differ. Beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour including a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures are all critical skills and dispositions that we nurture, encourage and develop through our curriculum – in the widest sense.
1. PSHE Curriculum
The PSHE curriculum includes specific lessons on Personal, Social, Health, Economic and Citizenship education. Please see the curriculum maps (on curriculum page) for specific lesson objectives for each year group. Some lessons are supported and followed up with a whole school or Key Stage assembly. Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is embedded in the PSHE curriculum.
Please Note: The Relationships and Health Education policy and curriculum map has undergone parent and other stakeholder consultation and has been ratified by the governing body for implementation in September 2021. Please click on the links below for either the policy or map.
2. Circle Time
These are weekly sessions held in class to discuss current ongoing issues in the class, school, local, national or global communities and reflect on emotions and worries that result.
3. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
All curriculum areas contribute to a child’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and opportunities for this will be planned for in each year group. Beliefs, values, principles and spirituality will be explored across the whole curriculum. Each curriculum area has guidance used by all teachers when planning to ensure that SMSC is embedded throughout every subject area.
Please speak to a member of the upper leadership team to see the SMSC grids for each curriculum area.
4. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (hidden curriculum)
All adults will model and promote socially responsible behaviour, treating all people as valuable individuals and showing respect for pupils and their families. Children should learn to differentiate between right and wrong in as far as their actions affect other people. They will be encouraged to value themselves and others. This is taught through daily interactions and role modelling by staff and children. Teacher will take very learning opportunity to discuss cultures, values and beliefs that children bring into school from one day to the next.
5. Well-Being
Whole school strategies to ensure children’s well-being will be discussed and modelled during any time at school. All adults are always available to address and support needs as necessary ensuring time is set aside for ‘circle time’ and ‘bubble time’. Additionally, the school arranges a ‘Well-Being’ cycle of our ‘Wider Opportunities’ afternoon where class teachers choose a workshop for children to support their children’s individual well-being needs. Teachers have also planned in ‘flow’ activities at certain times where necessary to support mental health and well-being.
6. Wider Opportunities Afternoon
Our wider opportunities sessions are a chance to go beyond the national curriculum. In this time, children are offered a range of workshops which teach them life, sporting and academic skills. They choose what they would like to learn and attend the workshops in mixed classes from Years 1-6.This approach teaches the older children how to nurture and support the younger children and this caring ethos can be seen extended into the playground.
7. Rights Respecting Schools
We are proud to be a bronze right respecting school. We have an ethos of mutual respect and try to teach our children the rights that they and others have. They also need to be aware that alongside these rights, children need to be taught that they also have the responsibility of ensuring they do not step on the rights of others. Please click here for more information
8. Fullwood Philosophy
Different stimulus (pictures, songs, artefacts etc) are used to encourage children to ‘think outside the box’. They think of various questions and then debate their viewpoints. This whole process encourages active listening with patience and tolerance and solidifies the undersatnding that we may not have the same beliefs as others but how can I discuss them respectfully. It also enhances oracy skills and teaches children the vocabulary associated with discussion and debate.
How do we prepare our pupils for life in Modern Britain and teach Children British Values?
The school is a harmonious place where children can learn and play together peacefully. We have a rich and diverse community which represents all the major religions as well as a number of faiths, cultures and over 30 languages spoken. Fundamental to this is the understanding that we respect each other’s beliefs and also share in the understanding that we know and learn from other children and staff. We promote our religious and cultural diversity whilst ensuring that we celebrate that fact that we are all ‘British’ is one of the many things that unifies us. We do this in a safe and secure environment where every child is valued as an individual and every child is helped to achieve their best. We teach British values through:
- Embedding it through the whole curriculum, as we do with SMSC. Our creative curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to learn about values, including British Values, many of which are shared as part of the school’s Harmony & Safety Rules. Values such as honesty, liberty, mutual respect and understanding are central to the work of our school.
- Each year the school holds a Heritage Day which is usually held around the same time as St Georges’ Day. On this day, children learn and explore life in Britain and what life is like as a British Citizen. On this day we celebrate the reasons we are proud to live in Britain and look at famous Britons both of today and in years gone by.
- We provide opportunities for our children to have a voice and to have an impact on the life of the school through opportunities such as School Council membership, Learning Ambassadors for the school and Year 6 prefects whose duties support the smooth operation of the school.
- Children are taught about democracy and are provided with opportunities in everyday school life, such as school council elections and regular circle times establishing classroom rules and agreements, to be democratic.
- Opportunities are accorded to the children to understand democracy through visits to City Hall and Houses of Parliament.
- The school actively engages with national and international charities and causes, looking for fundraising opportunities to help out people in need
- Pupils are actively taught the importance of making the right choices in behaviour through a well-rounded assembly programme and through weekly sessions of PSHE and Citizenship through circle times.