About Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum at Fullwood

At Fullwood, we deliver a creative route to learning using thematic ‘Learning Journeys’ to set contexts in which we teach our entire curriculum. These Learning Journeys are carefully chosen, and changed each year, to ensure that they cover and deliver the National Curriculum fully, as well as meeting the needs of the individual cohorts of children who pass through our school.

Our learning journeys contains

A Stunning Starter

Starting the topic with awe, wonder and excitement!

A Marvellous Middle

This might be an educational visit or visitor or a special event

A Fabulous Finish

A celebration event to which parents and carers are often invited

Our Spring Term 2025 Learning Journeys

Learning Journey booklets are available by clicking on the links below

EYFS (nursery & reception)

Key Stage 1 (Yrs 1&2)

Lower Key Stage 2 (Yrs 3&4)

Upper Key Stage 2 (Yrs 5&6)

What other curriculum commitments do we have?

The COVID19 pandemic served to reinforce our existing intention to prioritise the mental health and well-being of our children and this is embedded within all of our learning journeys.  Our other important curriculum commitments include:  

  • All children have 5 hours of English and 5 hours of mathematics each week.
  • All children have at least one (teacher-led) guided reading session a week in which there is a focus on developing decoding and segmenting skills, as well as improving reading comprehension. As well as teacher-led sessions, children read independently each day at Fullwood.
  • Key Stage 1 and EYFS teach a session of phonics each day whilst Key Stage 2 incorporates ongoing phonics needs into guided reading and all lessons where appropriate.
  • All children have a minimum of 2 hours of physical activity each week and opportunities to attend extra-curricular activities.
  • Religious Education and Personal, Social Health Education are taught throughout the curriculum and where needed, it forms the focus of Fullwood Philosophy sessions .